Can improving reaction time slow down the onset of dementia?

One of the advantages of the Brain Gauge training platform is that the Speed drills help improve your reaction time. Improving reaction time might be associated with certain cognitive benefits and potentially delaying the onset of cognitive decline, including dementia. While dementia is a complex condition with multiple contributing factors, it does make us pause to wonder how much improving brain fitness can do to offset or delay the degradations caused by aging or aging related dementias. By the numbers, there are virtually very few, if any, instances reported of people with cognitive impairment that have reaction times in the healthy control range.

Brain fitness is analagous to physical fitness. With that analog in mind, consider the case of the frail elderly and that the best prescription for them to avoid serious physical injury is to be more physically fit. For example, a succesful fitness regimen might be improvements in exercise that include weight lifting or strength training. The brain fitness analog to strength training is the speed drill that targets improving reaction time.

Here's how improving reaction time could potentially be contributing to delaying the onset of dementia:

Brain Plasticity: Several of the exercises in the Brain Gauge trianing platform challenge your reaction time and quick decision-making (Speed, TOJ and multi-tasking exercises in particular) and these can promote brain plasticity. Brain plasticity refers to the brain's ability to reorganize and form new connections, which can help compensate for age-related cognitive decline.

Cognitive Reserve: Cognitive reserve is the brain's ability to adapt to damage or changes. People with higher cognitive reserve are often more resilient against cognitive decline and diseases like dementia. Engaging in activities that challenge reaction time may contribute to building cognitive reserve, as these activities require mental effort and stimulate various brain regions.

Neurotransmitter Activity: Activities that improve reaction time might also involve neurotransmitter systems that play a role in cognitive function. For instance, fast reaction times could involve efficient communication between neurons and the release of neurotransmitters that support cognitive processes. This enhanced activity also contributes to overall brain health.

Lifestyle Factors: Activities that improve reaction time often require a healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity, proper sleep, and a balanced diet. These lifestyle factors are known to contribute to overall brain health and can potentially reduce the risk of dementia.

It's important to keep in mind that while improving reaction time and engaging in activities that challenge cognitive function can have potential benefits, they are just one aspect of a comprehensive approach to brain health. The best way to evaluate the progression of your brain health is simply to measure it! Objective and quantitative metrics - such as those obtained with the Brain Gauge - are the best way to be sure of where your brain function is.

If you're concerned about dementia or cognitive decline, it's advisable to consult with healthcare professionals. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your medical history, current health status, and specific needs.