Brain Gauge - new feature and case studies!

One new feature of the Brain Gauge analysis app is to take a closer look at the raw scores. Raw scores simply are not normalized. This means that if data is outside the range of normative values, you might not see the degree of improvement that has occurred with treatments and/or brain training. The graphs below demonstrate the new feature as well as a sample case study of an individual receiving hyperbaric treatment. Note the position of the "Raw" switch in the image: the top graph shows


Navigating the Maze of Brain Health Interventions

"Will the Brain Gauge show that my supplements are helping my customers? Answer: "Only if they are helping!"

The above exchange happened when we first started distributing the Brain Gauge. The person asking the question about supplements was a salesman - he wanted to show that the supplements he was selling would help. After I responded that the Brain Gauge would only show positive results if the supplements actually worked, the salesman abruptly ended the conversation and hung up.

There are many products that claim enhancement of


The Brain Gauge Workshop

We've been hosting the Brain Gauge workshop for about a year now. These day long seminars are available once a month, and they are either in-person or virtual (you get to choose). By the way, attendees receive a free Brain Gauge Home (this is the absolute best deal for one of these!). In-person attendees also receive lunch!

The question that is most often asked: "How long does the workshop last?". I never quit as long as someone is asking questions. While most workshops are in the 4 hour


Lion's Mane - another way to improve cognition?

Lion's Mane Mushroom: A Natural Ally for Cognitive Enhancement
In recent years, the use of natural supplements for cognitive enhancement has gained significant traction. One of the most notable and widely researched options is Lion's Mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus). This unique, shaggy-looking fungus has been traditionally used in Eastern medicine for centuries and is now gaining recognition for its potential to support brain health and cognitive function. Of course, as always, it helps some individuals more than others and the only way to know whether or not it is working


Lysine and aging dementias

It's not uncommon to come across new studies revealing potential links between the onset of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and a wide array of factors. These factors range from alcohol consumption, both excessive and abstinent, to various medical conditions like stroke, pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure, and even dietary choices such as soy intake and carbohydrate-heavy diets. Simultaneously, there is an extensive list of recommendations for preventing Alzheimer's Disease, including increasing physical activity, maintaining social connections, moderate alcohol consumption, adopting a Mediterranean-style diet (which includes soy), and minimizing prescription drug usage while


What is cognitive reserve and how do you preserve it?

When I started to look for images for "cognitive reserve", the majority of photos that popped up were related to preservation - such as preserving different aspects of the environment. Not what I was looking for, but when you think about it, preserving your individual environment has a lot to do with preserving cognitive reserve. I have always been fully supportive of any efforts we make to preserve the environment that we have and in many ways, the same principles apply to preserving our cognitive abilities through the


How to biohack with the Brain Gauge

The Brain Gauge is a device that aims to provide insights into various aspects of brain health and function. It's designed to measure brain function metrics and track changes over time. Biohacking with the Brain Gauge involves using the device to gather data about your brain's performance and using that information to optimize your cognitive function. Here's how you can use the Brain Gauge for biohacking:

Baseline Measurement: Start by taking baseline measurements of your cognitive performance using the Brain Gauge. This will give you a starting point to compare


Treating chronic pain with brain training?

Can the Brain Gauge be used to decrease pain or improve brain function?
For many years, people have found modest success with treating different forms of chronic pain with different types of tactile stimulation (vibration, electrical stimuli, etc.). Results from those studies (and there were quite a few) are both divergent in terms of results obtained from tactile stimulation and inconclusive. In our own work, we demonstrated a reduced effect of high frequency tactile stimulation (this means we delivered 150 Hz vibration to the skin at the same time as


GABA and lateral inhibition

The brain maintains a balance between two neurotransmitters: GABA, the brain’s main inhibitory neurotransmitter and glutamate, the main excitatory neurotransmitter. GABA, countering the stimulating effects of glutamate, functions to slow the firing of brain cells, inducing a calmed and relaxed state.

There are two types of GABA receptors: GABAa and GABAb. When GABA binds to a GABAa receptor, excited neurons are blocked, which leads to relaxation, sedation, sleep, and reduced anxiety. When GABA binds to a GABAb receptor, a more complex process is triggered, which reduces stress, boosts cognition,


Weeding Through the Latest in Cannabinoid Research

"Marijuana", "pot", and "weed" are among a few of the street names used to refer to cannabis, a popular pyschoactive drug that is starting to become legalized for recreational use around the nation. While your parents might have warned you back in the day that "Sitting around smoking pot will turn your brain into mush!", there has never been any scientific data to prove any harmful or lasting neurological impact from cannabis use.

In fact, today, you might encounter someone who argues