The Brain Gauge Workshop

We've been hosting the Brain Gauge workshop for about a year now. These day long seminars are available once a month, and they are either in-person or virtual (you get to choose). By the way, attendees receive a free Brain Gauge Home (this is the absolute best deal for one of these!). In-person attendees also receive lunch!

The question that is most often asked: "How long does the workshop last?". I never quit as long as someone is asking questions. While most workshops are in the 4 hour


A Review of the Choco-Literature

It's Halloween, which means that in just a few hours parents across the country will have their hands full with children toting plastic pumpkins, grocery bags and pillowcases full of sugary treats.

For many parents, this is the scariest part about Halloween. Children who consume too much sugar are at risk for obesity, diabetes, and cavities. Binging on their Halloween haul can also lead to a harrowing sugar-crash hangover, and upon waking up for school the next day they might be even more terrifying than the night before.

Rationing your


Going head-to-head with other cognitive scoring systems: case study

There are lots of brain assessment tools commonly used for concussion, but they fail to consistently detect alterations in brain health.

The Brain Gauge system was designed to be used for a wide spectrum of neurological disorders and other situations that benefit from assessing brain health. From the beginning, we set out to design a system in which pre-injury “baseline” measures would not be necessary. After all, many clinicians see patients only after that patient has sustained a potentially concussive impact.

Similarly, it's difficult to approximate a patient’s brain


Tracking Recovery from Chronic Pain with a Brain Gauge

Moving from peripheral to systemic pain
12 years ago, fresh into my first semester of college, I blew out a disc in my lower back. Long story short, I wasn’t one of the lucky >90% of people who feel better on their own within a week or two. My pain continued to progress to the point of turning into Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome / Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, which included systemic symptoms such as headaches/migraines, brain fog, extreme fatigue and anxiety, in addition to the intense pain and


The greatest thing since slicing bread from my diet

Twenty years ago, I would have really benefited from having a Brain Gauge.

At a recent workshop, we were asked some important questions about the Brain Gauge scoring system:

"Can you really see a change with diet?"
"How fast do the changes appear?"

The speed at which your Brain Gauge scores change will depend on the type of lifestyle changes you are making. After beginning an elimination diet, it may be weeks or even months before the toxins have left your body and ceased impairing your


Case Study: Getting back on your feet

Disclaimer: This article was adapted from a paper orginally published in the Journal of Physiotherapy Research (King et al. 2018). For privacy concerns the name of the patient has been changed.

Sacha didn’t feel so good.

A few days earlier, she had fallen off her stationary bike and clipped the side of her head on an unfortunately placed ceramic planter, opening a neat cut above her right ear. But after a quick trip to the emergency room and a handful of stitches, her wound seemed to be taken care


The Brain Gauge: an Effective Tool for Biohackers

Hacking your brain but don't know if it is having an effect? The Brain Gauge can help.
The biohacking community is growing faster than ever. This group of health enthusiasts, collectively known as biohackers, try to hack or modulate their body's abilities by using a variety of supplements, lifestyle changes, and radical diets. Over the past 12 months, brain hacking in particular has become very popular. This division of biohacking tends to prioritize improvements to IQ, focus, memory, and mental stamina. The methods used for brain hacking range from dietary


Case study: Promising Results with Pre-Parkinson's Disease

Brain Gauge data from treatment of one of Dr. Phil Schalow’s patients with pre-Parkinson’s

We’ve been busy getting ready to launch the Brain Gauge, but meanwhile, there's lots of great news from our users of the Brain Gauge Pro to report on……we’ll do our best to catch up by having several newsletters in the next few weeks.

In the last post, we highlighted Timing Perception and told you which scientific findings related to it. In brief, a simple measure of timing perception (or duration


Improvements in Brain Gauge performance parallel mTBI recover

Brain Gauge data improves in mTBI patient after treatment with Dr. George Roth.

Dr. George Roth has consistently provided reports that demonstrate patient improvement in corticalmetrics post-treatment.

A 40 year old patient suffered direct left parietal head trauma from a motor vehicle collision, and 8 months post-trauma, the patient continued to suffer from cognitive, visual, and vestibular disorders. Patient was also sensitive to light and noise, reported neck pain, and was unable to continue in her post-graduate program. The patient had sustained one previous concussion in 2005.

Cortical Metrics tests


Case Study: NUCCA treatment leads to neurological improvement