Brain Gauge - new feature and case studies!

One new feature of the Brain Gauge analysis app is to take a closer look at the raw scores. Raw scores simply are not normalized. This means that if data is outside the range of normative values, you might not see the degree of improvement that has occurred with treatments and/or brain training. The graphs below demonstrate the new feature as well as a sample case study of an individual receiving hyperbaric treatment. Note the position of the "Raw" switch in the image: the top graph shows


The Brain Gauge Workshop

We've been hosting the Brain Gauge workshop for about a year now. These day long seminars are available once a month, and they are either in-person or virtual (you get to choose). By the way, attendees receive a free Brain Gauge Home (this is the absolute best deal for one of these!). In-person attendees also receive lunch!

The question that is most often asked: "How long does the workshop last?". I never quit as long as someone is asking questions. While most workshops are in the 4 hour


The Grumpy Science Origin Story: Why We Do What We Do

A few years after launching Grumpy Science, we figured it was time to resurrect it. Why? Because we’re a couple of curmudgeonly old guys who do what we want, when we want. Simple as that.

So, what exactly is Grumpy Science? It’s a videocast co-hosted by Bob Dennis and yours truly. It all started with our Friday afternoon impromptu meetings—sessions we refused to call "Happy Hour" because, well, that would have been inaccurate. Instead, they turned into “Grumpy Hour,” where we vented about all the


New! Brain Training with the Brain Gauge

Brain training 1.0 with the Brain Gauge is no longer in beta testing though versions 2.0 and 3.0 are! If you would like to add brain training to your Brain Gauge, simply contact to get the free update.

What is Brain training?
Brain training refers to a range of cognitive exercises, activities, or programs designed to enhance and optimize various mental processes, such as memory, attention, problem-solving, and reasoning. The primary aim of brain training is to stimulate and challenge the brain's neural networks


What's the Brain Gauge Anyways?

The short version of where the Brain Gauge came from, what it does, and how people are using it.

The Brain Gauge is a laboratory grade research tool designed to probe brain function. It is probably one of the only, if not the only, devices with superior resolution for measuring brain health that are available for the home user. Most research grade technology is only available to researchers and clinicians. The Brain Gauge, which is used by both clinicians and researchers, has been in development for 15 years and has


World Records

We’re getting stronger, taller and faster, but are we getting smarter?

Running a four minute mile was supposed to be impossible. Until 1954, most coaches, runners, scientists, and the even world’s top physiologists all declared that humans were physically incapable of a sub 4:00 performance, even given ideal training and race conditions. It was simply too fast.

In 1954 a young medical student named Roger Bannister proved them all wrong. On a windy day in Oxford, England, Bannister ran 1 mile in three minutes and 59.4


Telemedicine and Remote Testing with Brain Gauge

A new way to monitor patient’s health from afar.

Considering all the inconveniences of going to a doctor’s office, it’s no wonder the use of telemedicine (the remote delivery of health care services using technology) is growing rapidly. Between the hassles of making an appointment, office wait times, and being around sick patients, why go to the office if you have the option to see the doctor from the comfort of your own home?

Smart phones, video conferencing, and online platforms increase the accessibility of health care


Large Changes to ProTools coming this week

Announcement of software release for new analysis package.
We will be rolling out a few major changes to those of you using our ProTools software at some point this week. The software you know and love is largely staying the same, but we have tweaked the way data sessions are viewed by introducing a more efficient and intuitive data timeline. We are dedicated to providing updates to improve our system, and we think you'll enjoy the new features and find that this new version of ProTools is much faster.


Case study: Promising Results with Pre-Parkinson's Disease

Brain Gauge data from treatment of one of Dr. Phil Schalow’s patients with pre-Parkinson’s

We’ve been busy getting ready to launch the Brain Gauge, but meanwhile, there's lots of great news from our users of the Brain Gauge Pro to report on……we’ll do our best to catch up by having several newsletters in the next few weeks.

In the last post, we highlighted Timing Perception and told you which scientific findings related to it. In brief, a simple measure of timing perception (or duration


Case Study: NUCCA treatment leads to neurological improvement