Cortical Metrics Staff

9 posts

Benefits of brain training to athletes?

Brain training can offer several benefits to athletes by enhancing various cognitive and mental skills that are crucial for sports performance. Here are some of the key advantages of brain training for athletes:

Improved Focus and Concentration: Brain training exercises can enhance an athlete's ability to concentrate on the task at hand, helping them stay in the zone during competitions and training sessions. Improved focus can lead to better decision-making and execution of skills.

Enhanced Reaction Time: Quick and accurate decision-making is vital in sports. Brain training can help athletes


Different types of exercise for the brain

Exercise is an incredible medicine. It can lower blood pressure, prevent diabetes, and alleviate the debilitating symptoms of chronic depression and anxiety. It’s even been shown to promote better skin health, improve eyesight, and ward off the aging process of cells.

On the other hand, not exercising can lead to mood disorders, arthritis - and not surprisingly - obesity and cardiovascular disease. The CDC estimates that inadequate exercise accounts for 11% of total annual healthcare costs in the United States - that’s just over $130 billion each year.


Biohacking data vs. Academic research

– A new Era in Research and Data Intelligence has Arrived

“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward high levels” - Einstein.

This could not be truer when it comes to the new era of biohacking. While there are many that disparage biohackers, also referred to as citizen scientists, there have been tremendous accomplishments in this new world of experiential science that biohacking has shaped.

Massive investments (usually funded from the public purse or private donations) have been and continue to be made


How do my Brain Gauge scores compare to everyone else's?

An introduction to the Brain Gauge scoring system
In the ProTools (or RxTools) app, your Brain Gauge metrics reflect how your brain performance compares to population averages. If you have a score of 100 for any metric, you performed as good as (or better than) healthy controls from our subject population. We calculated the mean scores for our tests through years of clinical trials.

On the other hand, if you have a low Brain Gauge score (between 0 and 70), you scored poorly on that metric's tests compared to our


Problems with concussion testing in sports

Most currently available concussion tests rely on baseline scores. At the beginning of the season, athletes complete an assessment to establish their baseline cognitive health. When an athlete sustains a head injury or shows symptoms of a concussion, a trainer or coach administers the test again and compares the two sets of scores. If the post-injury scores are substantially lower than the baseline results, athletes are removed from play.

At first glance, this approach seems reasonable. Everyone's brain is different, so by comparing a potentially concussed individual to that individual's


Aging and brain plasticity: what causes the decline?

I’ve been in the research field for close to 40 years now (easily 40 if you count my years as an undergraduate biology major, when I was probably more interested in non-academic pursuits, but that is another story), and throughout that tenure, a question that has bothered people – as well as researchers – is why do people age at different rates? Why do some people age gracefully into their late 90s and others struggle through their 60s? As we began to do translational research (i.e., that brand of research


Autism, GABA and the Brain Gauge: the history of our scientific efforts in the field.

The Brain Gauge methods predicted GABA deficits in autism that were later validated with medical imaging

After having many discussions with people who are interested in the Brain Gauge technology, I became increasingly aware that a vast majority assume the Brain Gauge was designed exclusively for assessing traumatic brain injury (TBI) and concussion. Although we have received support from the Office of Naval Research for the development of the Brain Gauge as a standardized concussion tool, the development of the device began as a means for studying alterations in brain


Telemedicine and Remote Testing with Brain Gauge

A new way to monitor patient’s health from afar.

Considering all the inconveniences of going to a doctor’s office, it’s no wonder the use of telemedicine (the remote delivery of health care services using technology) is growing rapidly. Between the hassles of making an appointment, office wait times, and being around sick patients, why go to the office if you have the option to see the doctor from the comfort of your own home?

Smart phones, video conferencing, and online platforms increase the accessibility of health care


Welcome to the Cortical Metrics Blog

The Table of Contents is your friend…
Our Blog is a bit different from other blogs in that we don’t consider the posts as being time dependent. While new findings are sometimes the topic of a post, we consider the posts timeless. That is – the most informative articles may not be the most recent. Additionally, the overall comprehensive nature of the Blog might be difficult to grasp if you are scrolling through the first few posts. So here is a table of contents for your convenience and hopefully, it